
Vegan Chef

Planting, saving, buying, trading and sharing seeds.
Small farm idea for future.

Cooperative Gardens Commission

A grassroots movement (formerly known as "Corona Victory Gardens") to share resources and get millions…

Maypop Passionfruit Improvement Project

The purpose of this project is to collaboratively identify and develop more useful varieties of maypop…

Job's Tears as a Perennial Grain

This project aims to study the utility of Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) as a perennial grain in warm…

Beach Plum Improvement Project

This project aims to identify and develop superior cultivars of native beach plums (Prunus maritima).

Cold-Hardy Prickly Pear Cactus

This project aims to test — and push — the northern limits of a large-fruited species of prickly pear cactus (…

Yamberry Yields

Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya) produces small aerial tubers ("yamberries"), which grow on the vine like berries…

Perennial Kale Breeding Project

Oregon-based plant breeder Chris Homanics is working to develop diverse perennial kale lines that taste great,…

Sword Bean as a Young Tree Companion Plant

This project aims to evaluate the efficacy of two perennial species of sword bean (Canavalia…

Monkey Puzzle Tree Proliferation Project

Aimed at younger growers with permanent tenure on their land, this project aims to increase the…

Dryland Rice for Northern Cultivation

There is great potential for growing dryland, or upland, rice in organic cultivation in more northern…

Tartary Buckwheat Germplasm Evaluation

Evaluating roughly 80 accessions of Tartary Buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum), a valuable pseudo-cereal and…

Mayapple Crop Improvement Project

A long-term breeding project with overlapping goals: developing cultivars of American mayapples (Podophyllum…

EFN Rare Seed Saving & Increases

For volunteers anywhere interested in being mailed seeds or other plant material to be grown out. You will…

Chinquapin Chestnut as a Productive Food Crop

A collaborative long-term project to identify and/or breed cultivars of chinquapin chestnut (…

EFN Jojoba Improvement Project

A long-term project aimed at developing productive frost-resistant jojoba as a renewable energy crop.

EFN Perennial Grain Sorghum Project

Run by EFN Co-Founder Nate Kleinman, this project aims to develop perennial sorghum for use as a grain crop…