
Pawpaw Improvement Project

To continue to select for larger, more delicious pawpaws (Asimina triloba). Other goals are less seed weight (7% and…

Creating a cabbage grex

In this project, I will be crossing a wide range of cabbage varieties to create an adaptive grex for different…

4H tricolor corn project

I have a junior 4H student (middle school level) who is interested in seed saving and plant breeding. She is working on…

Montana Tomato Project

What I would like to do, is collaboratively restart the regional tomato breeding program that started around a…

Aerial Rooted Nitrogen Fixing Corn

I have been breeding corn for a decade to have aerial roots and produce dark purple corn. I now have red corn…

Breeding a new cold-frame pea

To combine the genetics of extra dwarf peas with those of the very cold hardy Austrian winter peas to…

Cooperative Gardens Commission

A grassroots movement (formerly known as "Corona Victory Gardens") to share resources and get millions…

Watermelon-Citron Melon Hybrids

Selecting the best genetics of landrace watermelon and citron melons for Northern Colorado, USA.…

Perennial Dividing Onion Diversification

A long term project to bring back the diversity in potato onions and other perennial dividing onions by…

Job's Tears as a Perennial Grain

This project aims to study the utility of Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) as a perennial grain in warm…

Beach Plum Improvement Project

This project aims to identify and develop superior cultivars of native beach plums (Prunus maritima).

Canna edulis

Update- I have a small quantity of spare seed of C. edulis "Queensland arrowroot" pollinated with a wide…

Cold-Hardy Prickly Pear Cactus

This project aims to test — and push — the northern limits of a large-fruited species of prickly pear…

Yamberry Yields

Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya) produces small aerial tubers ("yamberries"), which grow on the vine like…